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電話: 072-629-4894 / 090-2859-7075
Our School Motto: “If children cannot learn the way we teach them, then we teach them the way they learn”
International School in Takatsuki city, Osaka Japan
Special Needs Support School Osaka Japan

自閉症・広汎性発達障害 アスペルガー ダウン症候群注意欠如・多動症 注意欠陥障サポート
Autism (ASD) PDD Aspegers Down Syndrome ADHD ADD Support

問い合わせ ・ Contact
Please tell us your requirements for your child and do not hesitate to ask us any questions, clarifications or further information that you would require from us about our school, systems, etc.
問い合わせメール ・ Let's Chat
電話 Phone
携帯電話 Mobile Phone
メール Email
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