電話: 072-629-4894 / 090-2859-7075
Our School Motto: “If children cannot learn the way we teach them, then we teach them the way they learn”
International School in Takatsuki city, Osaka Japan
Special Needs Support School Osaka Japan
自閉症・広汎性発達障害 アスペルガー ダウン症候群注意欠如・多動症 注意欠陥障サポート
Autism (ASD) PDD Aspegers Down Syndrome ADHD ADD Support
Name Move To Learn Global School
Company CEE BEE Ippan Shadan Hojin Cee Bee
Address Kajihara 1-8-5, Takatsuki shi, Osaka P.C. 569-0091
Capacity* Preschool 10 kids, Kindergarten 10 kids, Elementary 20 kids, * Capacity is subject to change
Open Mondays to Fridays
Open Hours 8:30〜18:30
Holidays As per school calendar - includes Saturdays, Sundays,
Public holidays, Golden Week, Autumn, Spring and
Winter vacations
Access By train JR Takatsuki station: Minami Exit, Bus Stop: JR
Takatsuki Minami No.6, Bus No.34 to Kajihara Higashi,
get off at Kajihara bus stop.(takes about 10-15 minutes)
and 1 minute on foot to MTLGS.
By train Hankyu Takatsuki station: Walking Bridge (Ekimae-Hiroba) side, Bus stop:No.6,
Bus No 34 to Kajihara Higashi, get off at Kajihara bus stop.(takes about 10-15 minutes)
and 1 minute on foot to MTLGS.